Partizip 1 (Present Participle)

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What is Present Participle? (Partizip 1)

The Partizip 1 is also called Partizip Präsens and the English equivalent is the Present Participle. That´s the "-ing" version of the verb in English. But pay attention: German doesn´t know a continuous mode/tense. We use Präsens (Simple Present Tense) instead. Therefore, unlike in English, we only use it as an Adjective that replaces a Subordinate clause when describing that things happen simultaneously.


  • „Der telefonierende Mann trinkt einen Kaffee.“
  • „Die laufende Frau hört Musik.“
  • „Der vor der Tür stehende Mann ruft nach dir.“

Constructing the Partizip 1

Infinitive + "-d"

Partizip 1/Partizip Präsens present participle construction

The only exceptions: sein ⇒ seiend / tun ⇒ tuend

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Uses of the Partizip 1 (Present Participle)

It can be used as an adjective instead of subordinate clauses when two actions occur simultaneously:

Version with Partizip 1:

  • „Der telefonierende Mann trinkt einen Kaffee.“

Version without Partizip 1:

  • „Der Mann, der telefoniert, trinkt einen Kaffee.“

More info about this here: Participle as Adjective

Recommendation: Participle as an Adjective

For more detailed explanations of how to use Partizip 1 and Partizip 2 as an Adjective and what to look for in Adjective Declension, see the lesson Participle as an Adjective.

Comparison to the Partizip 2 (Past Participle)

Present participle as an Adjective: Something is happening at the same time

  • „Der herunterfallende Apfel ist grün.“
  • Der Apfel fällt.“ „Der Apfel ist grün.“

Past participle as an Adjective: Something has happened earlier on.

  • „Der heruntergefallene Apfel liegt auf dem Boden.“
  • Der Apfel ist heruntergefallen.“ „Er liegt (jetzt) auf dem Boden.“

Recommendation: The Partizip 2 (Past Participle)

Besides the Partizip 1, there is also a Partizip 2. When to use the Partizip 2 and how to form it can be found in the lesson: The Partizip 2 (Past Participle).

Related Topics:

Entire lesson in German only: Partizip 1

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